Fretless ?

Lets talk about guitars
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Joined: 22 May 2007 22:00

08 Jun 2007 09:51

This may be an extremely stupid post and question, but if you cant make a fool of yourself on the web then where can you?

I have become increasingly intrigued with the idea of a fretless guitar. But thats just it, it's introgue, as I am not sure as to what the appeal is. Could someone explain to me the advantages/disadvantages of a fretless guitar over a fretted one? What are they like to play... in comparison to say my main guitar which at the moment is a Tyler.

I also seem to recall there was a cd that a mate of mine had a while back that was solely fretless guitarists and am wanting to get a copy. I am sure that Ed was on it... but I cant get hold of my mate to find out what it was... any ideas?

So there we go, please forgive me for being a numpty.


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08 Jun 2007 11:29

Hi Mark,         You should definitely try and play one; they are mind blowing (although you may want to sit in a room, lock the doors and practise for a week - just to stop yourself wanting to bend but instead to slide). For how it sounds try this link here for an interview from this years Frankfurt Musik Messe show with Patrice Vigier where he talks and plays a Surfreter Special on the interview - that will give you a better idea of what it is like. There is also tons of information for those who have gone fretless on this web site... www.unfretted.comHope that info helps.
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Joined: 22 May 2007 22:00

08 Jun 2007 11:47 ... thats the badger. Cheers mate, and I shall check the interview out.So, trying one... you sorted any dealers in the Midlands yet ? Or do I have to come down South?
1Patrice Vigier
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08 Jun 2007 22:01

Thanks Ben for the link, I never watched it.The accent of the person who is interviewed is not part of the fretless sound
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