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Need Help fixing pickup selector. 

Posted: 12 Apr 2016 14:28
by FictitiousFreedom

So, ive owned my Vigier Excalibur special for somewhere around 6 months, the only problem ive had with it is that my other guitars dont get played at all now, also i usually end up taking it to gigs that make me nervous but nothing else i own comes even close to my excalibur. 


about a month ago my 5 way selector started getting stiff and stuck and eventually just got completetly locked in place. I removed the scratchplate and took the selector apart and added some oil to the ball bearing, everything was smooth for about 2 weeks but now its doing to the same thing. Now, the little black knob on the selctor is loose and just falls off for no reason, i would find a way to get it to fit better but i have to take everything apart again to fix the 5 way selctor again.


Im worried this is becoming a cycle and its very annoying. I really hate having to take verything apart and id rather it not be something i have to do all the time, any help would be much appreciated,

Thanks, Camden