FS: Holmes Mississippi Bluesmaster amp head.

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Jason Spell
Posts: 1
Joined: 20 Jan 2009 23:00

11 Mar 2009 06:32

Late 70s Holmes Mississippi Bluesmaster amp.

$500 obo. It sounds great, very atypical EQ response, and rich reverb. Everything works well.

amp has more EQ character than any amp I've seen. Its a solid state amp
that runs just about as loud as my 40w Tube Bogner, so I think its
75-80 watt range.

The cleans and verb verb are luscious, very
Fender like, and kicking in the Drive and Super T (Presence) make it
respond more Hendrixy, like a Fuzz Face with much more definition.

it has a ridiculously quick response. The notes seem to jump out of the
guitar almost presciently - it is a "quicker-sounding" amp. Its hard to
describe - the amp almost begs you to play faster. There is no tube sag.

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